About Us
Your Efficient Reinsurance Partner

Who we are
Skybridge Re is an independent reinsurance
broker with a focus to providing efficient reinsurance services to the local market.
Backed by strong technical support from MUKFIN,
an international reinsurance intermediary based in Johannesburg, Skybridge Re is posed to offer superior reinsurance products and innovative solutions to the Zimbabwean insurance sector.
Strategic Thrust
Value Proposition
Value Proposition for Reinsurers
- Access To African Markets
- Timeous Premium Collection And Payments
- Reliable Technical Accounting
- Reciprocal Retrocession Arrangements
- Accurate, Adequate And Reliable Underwriting Information
Value Proposition for insurers (Cedants)
- Speed Turnaround
- Certainty Of Cover
- Innovative Solutions
- Access To Credible & Reliable Reinsurers And Securities
- Access To Securities For Specialized Lines Of Business
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Our Team
The Zimbabwean insurance sector has proved to be very resilient in the face of numerous challenges over the past two decades. Despite the persistent twin challenges of foreign currency instability and hyperinflation, the insurance sector has survived primarily because of a responsive regulatory regime as well as an innovative market which is managed by skilled and competent leaders.
Sky Bridge Reinsurance Brokers (Skybridge Re) recognizes that there are enormous business opportunities both in Zimbabwe and the African Continent at large. The company has therefore geared itself to exploit the opportunities by designing an intermediary business model rooted in delivering efficient service to insurers and reinsurers.
The company’s philosophy is built around efficiency which is measured by delivering the best service to our clients and reinsurers in a manner based on trust, transparency, win-win partnerships and fast turnaround. The Skybridge Re management and staff are committed to the long-term mission of providing superior reinsurance products and services backed by innovative solutions as a means to attain our shared vision to be the preferred reinsurance broker in Southern Africa. The rallying point for the company is the five key strategic values of Agility, Excellence, Empathy, Professionalism and Integrity which define how we conduct ourselves and execute our duties on a daily basis. Our staff members form the pillar of strength for the company.
The company strongly believes in good corporate citizenships which entails contribution to the well-being of the society where we do business as well as ensuring that business is conducted in a sustainable way. Skybridge Re is a major contributor to the insurance sector through skills development initiatives such as sponsoring training workshops and participating in industry conferences as well as providing university graduates with workplace internship opportunities. We pride ourselves as the provider of current, unique, and locally relevant insurance and reinsurance technical training solutions locally and on the African Continent.
Strong relationships, win-win partnerships and a network of international reinsurers are key success factors for any insurance and reinsurance entity. Skybridge Re has solid international relationships and networks for business growth and development.
Skybridge Re is a reliable and efficient broker in the reinsurance space.